Pergola for pets is a retractable shelter system digital fabrication made which provides protection from the sun and it's assembled by plywood modules which design was made to allow increase or reduce it's size to adapt different kind of users like kids even adult people. Click on the arrow to see the images!
Plywood press fit kit structure.
Retractable system.
Input devices / Limit switch.
3d printed pipe holder / PVC pipe.
3d printed motor case / Nylon fishing line.
Front view.
Alien face will attract attention to the button hole.
Along of the Fabacademy the parts were developed in relationship to each week assignments if you feel curious about that process please check the full documentation linked on my weekly evolution page. Pergola for pets is the integration of three different systems that complement to each other. You can download the files!
The plywood structure assembled by modules based in the modulounge reference.
The 3d printed parts.
Input PCB
Output PCB
Wool shelter
The programs was made based on Neil c-codes examples and also developed by other fabacademy students.
What materials and components were used?
4X Plywood plate 1.22m X 2.22m X 5.2mm $54
1X PLA 1kg $45
1X PVC Pipe 1/2 X 6m $8.90
1X blue wool yarn roll
1X white Wool yarn roll
1X Nylon fishing line $ 1.50
4X Screws
1X Stepper motor driver board with an FTDI integrated, button and a limit switch.
1X Limit switch board with an FTDI integrated.
2X HC-05 Wireless Bluetooth Module $12
1X Bipolar Stepper motor nema23 $25
1X Easy driver $6
1X Charge module $5
1X 3.7V battery $6
Where did they come from?
Materials: Local
Components: Imported
What parts and systems were made?
Retractable system
Input board
Output board
3d printed parts with an exception of charge case that I downloaded from thingiverse.
What questions were answered?
The most fundamental parts of my final project are the main structure assembled, the retractable system, the system integration and packaging and the shelter.
To simplify the material for all the structure of the final project I choose plywood because work well to test the retractable system.
To simplify the shelter material I choose wool in relationship of the wild card week assignment.
How was it evaluated?
I think my final project has to be evaluated in relationship with the weekly evolution progress.
The main structure and the retractable system are the most important things.
The shelter system could work manually or automatically.
The design provide flexibility for the users since it could reduce or increase it's size.
Utility and according to the fulfillment of my objectives.
What are the implications?
Pergola for pets is the begging of a future development called pergola for humans that I want to make it real and it will be awesome and link it to the society between the architecture and the city.
Final project requirements:
Your goal is to keep it as affordable as possible
Design and fabricate your own parts instead of buying off-the-shelf components.
Prove mastery of the skills gained during the program.>
Learning outcomes: Create your own integrated design. Demonstrate 2D & 3D modelling capabilities applied to your own designs. Select and apply appropriate additive and subtractive techniques. Demonstrate competence in design, fabrication and programming of your own fabbed microcontroller PCB, including an input & output device.
Have you?
Made your slide: 1920 x 1080 pixels with your name, project name, Fab Lab name, a photo/render/sketch of your project, a brief description of what your project is/does
Made a ~1 minute (10MB/1080p/720p) video of you explaining your project
Made a separate Final Project page that briefly summarises your project
Included the BOM (Bill of Materials) for your project
Linked from this page to any weeks that you worked on your final project
Linked to your presentation.png and presentation.mp4
Included all of your original design files in the archive (2D & 3D, board files & code) No external hosting of final project files - discuss file sizes with your instructor.
Included the license you chose.
Acknowledged work done by others
PCB Debugging:
New board design:
Schematic: due to the problem I had with the drivers that they aren't enough powerful I decided to replace them and instead I embed the easy driver to my board and taking advantage of that I use the free pins to connect a sensor or maybe to connect the limit switch as a simple wired network and use the FTDI pins to connect a cellphone trough bluetooth.
Board: I had to download the easy driver library to install it in eagle and after that I place the component and make a mirror of it. You can download the library here. Also I add a DC power jack to make a better connection to the power source.
You can download the files:
Traces: I like to give my boards something that identify me for that all of my boards had an alien face attached I like to call the boards I did the alien collection.
Tool diameter: 0.2 mm
Cut depth: 0.05 mm
Max depth: 0.05
Offset number:3
Offset stopover:0.5
Cut speed: 240
Tool diameter: 0.3 mm
Cut depth:0.6 mm
Max depth: 1.8 mm
Offset number: 1
Offset stopover: 0.5
You can download the files:
DC power jack to makes easy the connection to a common power supply and are more free pins to connect a sensor or another device to the PCB.
Easy driver embedded in the board
I did little changes in the code like the pins for DIR and STEP
And I have to enable this part of the code to make it work well.
You can download the files:
The new board is working perfectly! Please check the video: